Sometimes Kids know best!

Sometimes Kids know best!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Working From Home Today

Working from home today, the little one is too sick for school. One of the many ups and downs of a single mom. Although I guess this is also the way it would go for a married working mom as well.
 Something happened today that made me realize the value of every minute a mom has. My daughter as sick as she is today, took a minute to thank me for staying home with her today while she is sick...? Can you imagine? As if any mom would give it a second thought?
 Just goes to show how important it is to make good use of every minute we have. Sadly she (at 12) see's how much we need me to work everyday. Although I do love my job, I wouldn't think twice about walking away from it all for her needs. This is some of the things that cross my mind threw the day. I wonder if I'm the only one? Or is it this the norm for moms? So in talking with my daughter about how our life is, I got the idea to write this blog in hopes to gain some insight from other successful moms. And even maybe offer a soft shoulder to other moms or dads for that matter, that try to do it all, at any cost.


  1. I have dropped it all for the sake of my kids, that's just what we do. I wouldnt give a second thought to give up even more if it meant they would be ok. I happily patch holes in my clothes, and wear them even though they are 5 sizes too big, so long as my kids are well dressed and kept warm and comfortable. Being there for them not matter what, and ALWAYS putting them first is the making of a great mom... just like YOU! Love you guys =) And will be joining you in the blog-o-sphere pretty soon!

  2. Instead of single parent we should be called "SUPERPARENT" and I think we should get to wear a cape too without being looked at funny.

    It's hard when you have to be the kind caring parent, the disciplinary and the cool want to hang out with me for the day parent. The mom that can do arts and crafts with a daughter or their hair (especially my kids hair) and then be the mom that goes outside to throw the football around (by the way I throw a nice spiral for a good 40 yards, my son was very proud of me of course he wasn’t so proud when I couldn’t always catch it because he throws a lot harder..LOL).

    Single parent also means guiding you kid in the right direction for high school, what college what career path you think they should be going in. Or just being the one they vent at because they have had a bad day (but the nice thing is when the ask you how your day was, and they really care and want to know).
    For all it is a tough job, I wouldn’t give it up for all the money in the world and I am excited everyday to see what path their lives will take them and the choices they will make and know that I helped shaped them in to the people they will become.
    I thank God everyday for great family and friends that are positive role models to my kids (especially you Danielle...XOXO

  3. "Successful parent" you say? By who's terms are you measuring? I don't think there is a parent out there that can honestly say they feel successful. Deep down, we all have our parenting demons, whether we admit them or not, and whether we are single or not. Sure you may seem like you fail in comparison to say, that Duggar lady with 19 kids who never seems like she breaks a sweat, when you struggle through just managing the day to day sometimes, but who cares? Your kid seems to think you are doing a good job, and that is what matters. In 20 years, the only thing she will remember is the way you made her feel.... not how much money you had, or things like that.
